Partner Program
for e-Commerce Agencies.

At LiveMeUp, we are the go-to experts in video commerce, empowering e-commerce agencies to excel in this emerging space. Our Partner Program is designed to provide agencies with the knowledge, insights, and tools they need to guide their clients through the transformative landscape of video commerce.

Why Join Our Partner Program?

Video commerce, particularly livestream shopping and shoppable videos, is reshaping the way consumers interact with brands. This program equips e-commerce agencies with the resources to develop holistic strategies that help their clients engage audiences and increase conversions through video-first approaches.

higher conversion
than traditional eComm
longer session time
than traditional eComm
on site speed

Key Pillars of the Program

1. Design Dedicated Video Commerce Strategies

Through our partner portal, we provide agencies with access to strategic frameworks and industry insights to help them craft bespoke video commerce strategies for their clients. Our offerings include:

Understanding the Landscape: We help agencies differentiate between live shopping, live selling and live packing content through detailed guides and best practices available in the portal.

Strategic Positioning: Agencies can leverage our research and insights to position video commerce strategies within the broader ecosystem of social commerce and UGC.

Client Maturity Assessment Tools: We provide agencies with benchmarking tools to assess their clients’ social network exposure and content production maturity, aiding them in designing an appropriate video strategy.

Market Trends & Case Studies: Agencies can access the latest market trends and case studies to better understand how top brands are leveraging video commerce successfully.

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2. Build a Video-Driven Shopper Experience

Our partner portal provides agencies with detailed blueprints and best practices for designing a video-centric shopper journey on their clients’ websites. This includes:

Customer Journey Mapping Tools: Access to tools and templates that allow agencies to map out engaging video-driven shopper experiences.

UX/UI Guidelines: The portal offers comprehensive UX/UI design guidelines for integrating video widgets, dedicated video pages, and more into e-commerce sites.

Implementation Best Practices: Through the portal, we share observations and insights from hundreds of successful implementations, helping agencies understand what works best in the market.

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3. Activate the Designed Strategy

We provide agencies with the knowledge and resources they need to activate and optimize video commerce strategies through our partner portal:

Livestream Campaign Guides: Agencies can access vertical-specific livestream shopping campaign frameworks to tailor their strategies to different industries.

Customer Acquisition Strategies: The portal includes best practices for customer acquisition, utilizing newsletters, social media, and more to maximize engagement.

Analytics & Insights: Our portal offers agencies exclusive access to analytics from thousands of livestreams we’ve hosted since 2021, providing detailed reports and insights to help optimize performance.

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Why Partner with LiveMeUp?

Join the LiveMeUp Partner Program today and unlock the resources you need to guide
your clients through the evolving world of video commerce!

Industry-Leading Expertise
We provide e-commerce agencies with in-depth knowledge of video commerce and the latest trends shaping the future of retail.
Comprehensive Resources
Our partner portal is packed with insights, benchmarks, and analytics to empower agencies to succeed in video commerce.
Innovative Solutions
We continually update our resources, ensuring that our partners stay ahead of the competition with the most relevant tools and data.
© 2024 Made by LiveMeUp

Partenariat agence.

Participez à notre programme de collaboration, où nous unissons nos forces pour créer de la valeur partagée autour du Live Shopping et de la Shoppable Video.

Avantages pour les partenaires

Quel est l'intérêt de travailler avec nous ?

Part des revenus

Recevez jusqu'à 20 % des gains de chaque client que vous recommandez et que vous réussissez à intégrer.

Services élargis

Élargir votre gamme de services pour attirer de nouveaux clients, améliorer la fidélisation des clients et soutenir la croissance de l'entreprise.

Initiatives de co-marketing

Collaborez sur des initiatives marketing pour accroître la notoriété de la marque et générer de nouveaux prospects.

Accès exclusif

Recevez un accès anticipé aux versions bêta avancées et des mises à jour concernant les prochains lancements de produits.

Premium Support Services

Bénéficiez d'une formation pratique et d'un accès exclusif à un canal Slack dédié pour un soutien complet.

Portail Partenaire

Utilisez un portail unique et convivial pour enregistrer les prospects, suivre les recommandations et vérifier les gains liés aux recommandations.

Participez à la tendance du Live Shopping et gardez une longueur d'avance !

Ce n'est que le début.

Aidez vos clients à libérer leur créativité avec le Live shopping

Pourquoi le Live shopping et le commerce vidéo sont-ils si importants ?

Le Live incarne la marque

Les marques méritent d'être en direct. Les clients veulent entendre et voir des créateurs parler de leurs histoires, de leurs produits et de bien d'autres choses encore.

Le Live est engageant

Par l'incarnation de marque, les clients écoutent attentivement les créateurs. Ils interagissent et discutent. Une communauté est née.

Le Live est bon pour la croissance

La communauté crée de la rétention. Plus les marques sont présentes dans les sessions Live, plus elles génèrent de l'amour pour la marque, du trafic et des ventes.

Travailler ensemble

✓ Prenons rendez-vous et planifions notre première démonstration
✓ Rejoignez notre canal Slack exclusif pour une communication directe
✓ Accédez gratuitement à notre plateforme
✓ Discutons des opportunités respectives
✓ Soyez récompensés par une part de revenus.